dr inż. Rafał Dybicz - kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w przygotowaniu i realizacji inwestycji budowlanych

Rzeczoznawca budowlany PSRiBS, Biegły Sądowy

Członkostwo w PZiTB, PSRiBS

Prelegent i wykładowca, szkolenia z Prawa budowlanego i procesu inwestycyjnego w budownictwie, autor publikacji branżowych

Our offer in English

MKREngineering is a consulting company providing services in the field of construction and investment processes. We offer you a comprehensive service of all activities related to the preparation and implementation of investments, including renovation and modernization, starting from the preparation stage of the investment process, through the control of construction works, as well as the operation of buildings.

We provide reliable and professional services in the field of construction appraisal. We prepare expert opinions and technical opinions on existing and under construction buildings. We control the correctness of the adopted technical solutions and assess the construction works performed. The area of our activity also includes the preparation of legally sanctioned opinions and expert opinions for the purposes of administrative proceedings and for procedural purposes in Courts.

A wide range of expert services, supported by solid technical knowledge, knowledge of the provisions of the Construction Law, the Civil Code, the Code of Administrative Procedure, as well as the important professional ethics of an engineer. We work using modern research and measurement equipment, as well as current scientific and technical knowledge. Such a list allows us to fully recognize and properly diagnose the condition of the facility, giving the Investor certainty and safety.

The offer of services is wide, which makes it possible to adapt to the needs of demanding customers: private persons, legal entities, offices, institutions, courts and all others who need professional support in matters related to the construction and use of buildings.

Our services include:

Appraisal and professional advice in the field of:

multi-family residential buildings;
single-family houses;
industrial buildings;
special buildings;
summer houses;
public utility buildings.

Expert opinions and opinions of a construction expert in the field:

quality of construction works;
quality of finishing works;
project opinions;
construction material moisture testing;
building and construction inventories.

Pre-court opinions and court opinions as an important element of the trial material

Provision of private opinions by the parties, Art. 253 of the Code of Civil Procedure They are not expert evidence, but constitute an important element of the procedural material and, in principle, should also be made available to the other party.

Private opinions prepared at the request of the parties before or in the course of the trial, are an explanation, taking into account special information, their position.

Private expert opinion is often a reason for the necessity to admit evidence from the opinion of another expert by the court.

Each party, in its well-understood interest, should, in the course of the proceedings, express some opinions on the matter covered by the dispute, comment on the opponent's position (Art. 230 of the Code of Civil Procedure) and support the presented theses with their own evidence, which the court, pursuant to Art. 232 of the Civil Procedure Code treats any other evidence from a party. The court, pursuant to Art. 244 of the Code of Civil Procedure is bound only by the content of official documents, while a private document, pursuant to Art. 245 of the Code of Civil Procedure proves that the person who signed it made a statement contained in the document, ie by submitting any document to the case, the party "says what he wants" - and the court is to assess its position. And such an assessment (as well as any evidence) is subject to further procedural assessment, in the sense that a court that "thinks badly" and issues judgments anyway may be reprimanded in the form of an effective appeal.

The ruling of the Supreme Court speaks of the procedural importance of private opinions: "The presentation by the parties of private opinions to which Art. 253 of the Code of Civil Procedure is a process phenomenon more and more frequent. Undoubtedly, without being an evidence from an expert opinion, they are part of the trial material and should be made available to the other party. Private expert opinions prepared at the request of the parties before the initiation of the process, whether they are an explanation, taking into account special information, their position Private expert opinion may constitute a premise for the necessity to admit a lot of evidence in the case, confirmed in an opinion or expert opinion by a person of public trust of an expert construction appraiser. "

Periodic construction inspections of buildings

"Art. 62 sec. 1. Construction works should be inspected by the owner or manager during their use:

1. periodically, at least once a year, consisting in checking the technical condition of:
a) building elements, structures and installations exposed to harmful weather conditions and destructive effects of factors occurring during the use of the facility,
b) installations and devices for environmental protection,
c) gas installations and chimneys (smoke, exhaust and ventilation);

2. periodically, at least once every 5 years, consisting in checking the technical condition and suitability for use of the building, the aesthetics of the building and its surroundings; the inspection should also cover the testing of electrical and lightning protection systems in terms of the efficiency of connections, equipment, security and means of protection against electric shocks, insulation resistance of cables and grounding of installations and devices;

3. periodically in the scope referred to in point 1, at least twice a year, until May 31 and November 30, in the case of buildings with a building area exceeding 2,000 m2 and other construction structures with a roof area exceeding 1,000 m2; the person performing the inspection is obliged to immediately notify the competent authority in writing of the inspection carried out;

4. safe use of the facility each time in the event of the circumstances referred to in Art. 61 point 2 of the Construction Law;
a) in the event of a notification by persons living in a dwelling located in a construction object about interference or violations that are not justified by technical or functional reasons, resulting in the failure to meet the conditions specified in Art. 5 section 2; (the control referred to in this provision, the owner or manager is obliged to carry out within 3 days of receiving the notification).

1a. During the control referred to in para. 1, the implementation of recommendations from the previous control should be checked. "

Performing the function of an investor's supervision inspector

According to Art. 17 of the Act of July 7, 1994, Construction Law (the last amendment was published in the Journal of Laws on March 18, 2020 under item 471), the investor's supervision inspector is one of the participants in the construction process. He always works on the construction site on behalf of the investor, protects his interests, takes care of the quality of construction works, and the basic duties of the construction supervision inspector include (Article 25 of the Construction Law Act):

representing the investor on the construction site by controlling the compliance of the investment with the design and building permit, regulations and technical knowledge rules,

checking the quality of the works performed and the built-in construction products, in particular preventing the use of faulty construction products and not approved for use in construction

checking and acceptance of construction works subject to covering or disappearing, participation in tests and technical acceptance of installations, technical devices and chimney ducts, as well as preparation and participation in the acceptance of ready-made building objects and their handing over for use,

confirmation of actually performed works and removal of defects, as well as control of construction settlements at the investor's request

Project management and replacement investment

We provide project management services. We can comprehensively prepare and lead your investment, as well as provide services in packages according to your needs and requirements.

Cost control and costing

We offer investors cost control of implemented investments and financial supervision over the implementation of investments. We prepare preliminary budget calculations, valuations for the needs of the tender, final construction settlements. We make construction cost estimates using reputable cost estimate tools.

Organization and conducting of tenders and price and contract negotiations

We offer conducting and organization of tenders for construction works or the selection of the main designer of the investment along with support during contract negotiations.

Advising on the construction of contracts for construction works

We offer consultancy in the field of drafting contracts for construction works.

We pay special attention to the technical side of the contract, provisions regarding settlements and joint and several liability of the investor and the general contractor towards subcontractors.

We also conduct training and lectures in this area.

Bank monitoring

We control the course of the investment process for the needs of financing institutions, such as banks or investment funds.

Other services

Lectures and trainings in the field of construction law.

Advice on pro-ecological solutions and support in obtaining funds for these solutions. We support investors in the certification processes of building structures.


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Czy wiesz że...

Oferujemy Państwu kompleksową obsługę wszelkich działań dotyczących przygotowania i realizacji inwestycji, w tym też remontów i modernizacji.

Świadczymy rzetelne i profesjonalne usługi z zakresu rzeczoznawstwa budowlanego.

Szeroki zakres usług eksperckich, poparty jest specjalistyczną wiedzą techniczną, znajomością przepisów Prawa budowlanego, Kodeksu Cywilnego, Kodeksu Postępowania Administracyjnego.

Podczas naszych realizacji pracujemy wykorzystując niezawodny i nowoczesny sprzęt badawczo-pomiarowy, a także aktualną wiedzę naukowo techniczną.

Ofertę kierujemy do osób fizycznych, prawnych, urzędów, instytucji, sądów i wszystkich potrzebujących wsparcia w sprawach związanych z budownictwem i użytkowaniem obiektów budowlanych.

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